I've always said that the bike is the best therapist I have ever met. Something about me and cycling just makes sense.
I was really tired yesterday afterwork, and I felt mentally fried. You know the feeling. It was one of those days where two third grade boys got in a fight, half my pre-algebra class didn't do their homework, and half a million parents emailed me with questions about their 2nd graders science project, and I had "Mr. M's Greeting Song" stuck in my head.
I had planned on taking an easy hour spin in the afternoon. After a day like this, I took a 50 mile ride all the way to the top of the palm beach inlet. It was the best way for me to unwind. Despite the fact that I felt pooped at the ride's beginning, I felt invigorated by mile 50.
Tip of the Week:
Check out the guy in the red jersey in the middle of the pack. This is Cadel Evans, and he's blowing a snot rocket.Learn how to snot rocket. You just cover one nostrel with your finger, then blow out your nose. It's like blowing one nostrel without a tissue. The snot bomb just flies out, and you're breathing easy afterwards.
[8:29 AM
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