Someone at the gym this morning complimenting me on my running form. I was plodding along on the treadmill, feeling a little sleepy and unmotivated. She said, "You've got great form. You're so so straight and tall." Wow! That made my day! Avid fans know that the run is my weakest triathlon discipline, and they know that I put a lot of effort into correcting my sometimes awkward run form.

I had a car buzz me really close while I was biking on the A1A a few days ago. While a buzz like this is nothing new, there was something different about this particular incident. The car had a 'Jesus Fish' on the back, and it also had a "WWJD" bumper sticker. While I can't speak for Jesus, I doubt he would buzz a cyclist.

Beliefs follow actions. That is, sometimes you have to act yourself into the right way of thinking. If you have a bad habit, you feel you need that habit simply because you frequently do it. For example, if you pick up a Starbucks Coffee before work everyday, you believe you need that coffee to get your day started. To change your beliefs, simply change your actions, and your attitudes will follow. Just stop picking up that coffee, and soon you'll believe that you don't really need it.

Most (parents, coaches, teachers) I know are hypercritical of their (children, athletes, students), respectively. Show me a third grade student, and I guarentee you his teacher can point out what he is doing wrong in any given situation. To really inspire improvement in that (child, athlete, student), focus on one, practical improvement at a time. Little Johnny's third grade teacher could focus first on teaching Johnny to raise his hand before he speaks. Then, after that is accomplished, she could work on teaching him to walk quietly from classroom to classroom. Overwhelming him with constant instructions ensures he will learn from none of them. In my opinion, the same goes for coaching and parenting, however, I am neither a parent nor a coach.

*a noteable exception to this trend is a local swim coach I know. His minimalist approach to coaching is a refreshing contrast to most hypercritical coaches. I contend that his simple practices and focused feedback are central reasons for his impressive resume'.


Libby Maxim said... @ February 15, 2008 at 4:22 PM

this is good stuff Frey, your helpful philosophy is changing me, instead of wishing i looked different or was thinner or prettier or whatever, i have taken your advice,

walk tall and proud and stop the negative talk and just be, no more visualizing the person i want to be



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