Want to lose weight? Gain muscle? Make money, get a six-pack, and make friends?

Here is my MIRACLE fitness and weight loss plan:

Sell your car; buy a bike.

That's all it takes folks! Sell your car and buy a bike! You'll lose weight from the exercise; gain muscle because your legs will be pedaling your big butt everywhere you have to go; make money because selling your car will make you a few bucks; get a six-pack because of all that weight you lost; make friends because of all the friendly bike groups out there!

In all seriousness, I was reminded of this yesterday, because to get to my podiatrist appointment, I had to bike from Delray Beach to Boca. This was about a 15-mile one-way trip, or a 30-mile round trip. On my rest day!

Without a car, there's no choice. Need to get to the doctor? Get your sorry butt on that bike and ride there!

Plus, instead of being tired, stressed, and angry from having to ride on I-95 in rush-hour traffic, I was relaxed, and on an endorphine rush from cycling the A1A, looking at the bright blue ocean the whole way.

Not bad, in my opinion. If you offered to trade your car for my bike, I'd keep the bike.



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